Sunday, June 10, 2012

Baby Steps

I had my first workout yesterday for the first time in I don't know how long. I discovered that not only am I out of shape more so than any other time in my life, but I'm fat! When I say the word fat I am not referring to how I look, I'm referring to how my body feels. I noticed my weight the most when I can't do basic moves that I use to do without even thinking about it. I couldn't help but remember the times when I use to be in a gym glass looking at curvy women saying "oh she's doing that move wrong". Well now I know, they were not doing the moves wrong, they couldn't do the moves right because the fat got in the way.

My body today feels like someone beat the crap out of me, but I had an epiphany just now. I gained close to 50 lbs in a two year period or maybe three, so there is no way I am going to lose those 50 lbs in 6 months hell I won't even try. But what I will try is to be consistent. I will consistently move my body, I will consistently not eat carbs after 5pm, I will consistently not drink more than 1 glass of wine per weekday (I can't promise the weekends). Now here is the epiphany, I will focus on these goals one at a time, perhaps on a weekly basis. This week my commitment is to get moving. That is all I can commit to at this time. Get moving! I figure if I take baby steps and slowly change my lifestyle, then it will not be as challenging and it will be everlasting. I just have to remember to take baby steps, but be consistent.

Wish me luck no wish me health!

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